A Conversation with Jordan Gaines: a sex & relationship therapist

✨ Jordan Gaines is a Sex and Relational Therapist with dreams of cultivating spaces where Black femme’s can explore and embrace the full range of pleasure. One realization of this dream is @huneebewell a gathering spot that invites Black femmes to be watered and get well in community. As a clinician, writer, educator and facilitator Jordan’s work aims to address spiritual and emotional needs of those seeking to access the erotic. This work is rooted in the belief that sexual wellness is a critical component of individual and collective wellness and is necessary in the pursuit of liberated living.

Samantha Grose

designer + creative helping women build stunning visual identities through design at Revamp Design Studio


A Conversation with Kamaria Excell: Black Queer Feminist, social worker, abolitionist, doula and founder of @kitchencountersw