A Conversation with Kamaria Excell: Black Queer Feminist, social worker, abolitionist, doula and founder of @kitchencountersw

🌶️PEPA with Black Queer Feminist, social worker, abolitionist, doula, and founder of @kitchencountersw Kamaria Excell 🌶️

⚠️ Content: This recording mentions sexual violence, assault, and survivorship.
Kamaria is a Black Queer Feminist, social worker, abolitionist, and doula passionate about creating affirming spaces and models of care that allow folks to heal from both interpersonal trauma and systems of oppression. She is the founder of Kitchen Counter Social Work which holds space for BIPOC women, femmes, and non-binary folks through their healing journeys by centering pleasure, joy, and holistic embodiment.


Samantha Grose

designer + creative helping women build stunning visual identities through design at Revamp Design Studio


A Conversation with Jordan Gaines: a sex & relationship therapist


A Conversation with LáDeia Joyce: speaker, facilitator, author & HIV activist