the blog

For Everybody and Their Mama: Sex Ed For All Month 

For Everybody and Their Mama: Sex Ed For All Month 

The month of May is known for a lot of things. Between graduations, Mother’s Day, Memorial Day (yup, one of the earliest Memorial Day ceremonies was held by freed slaves to honor fallen Union soldiers), Cinco De Mayo, and Masturbation Month, there’s so much to be reflective about and celebrate.

But did you also know that the month of May used to be known as Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month?

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'Rona and Sex: Your guide to getting it on during COVID-19

'Rona and Sex: Your guide to getting it on during COVID-19

We’re on day 247827059 of quarantining and let’s face it we’ve got cabin fever. There are not enough episodes on Netflix or enough books to read to truly keep us entertained and add some variety to our day. I mean, what else are you supposed to do when you’re quarantined with bae and haven’t made any other human contact in what feels like weeks?


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