Maya Louisa

Maya Louisa is the creator of Sensual Stretch and the founder and designer of Kole Jewel® waist beads.

Maya is an initiated priestess of Ósun for 17 years, and keeper of the divine feminine flame. As an artist, Maya incorporates ancient healing techniques to both her jewelry and dance. She is a certified yoga instructor and has studied with the legendary Katherine Dunham, who inspired her to travel the world performing as a soloist with various Afro-Cuban dance companies. Maya has over a decade of experience studying North African Belly Dance and integrates this knowledge into her new journey of motherhood. Maya currently resides in NYC with her new growing family, dripping divine feminine love everywhere she goes.

Samantha Grose

designer + creative helping women build stunning visual identities through design at Revamp Design Studio

Brianne Patrice


Dr. Carla Williams