'Rona and Relationships: Your guide to strengthening your relationships during COVID-19

Social distancing is a new concept for us in a time where we spend many hours at work, school, brunch, happy hour, the mall -- basically outside with other people. This is a super-challenging time and figuring out how to navigate distancing -- or not distancing can be incredibly difficult. And while difficult, don’t let social isolation take away from the important relationships you have in your life.

Here are some quick tips and reminders to help you strengthen your relationships during COVID-19.




The hustle and bustle of life pre-Rona made it easy to neglect your needs and your body's desire for rest. Now is the time to tune in and listen to what your body and mind need.  

Spend some time doing what feels right for you in the moment. Is it uninterrupted peace and quiet? Is it a digital cleanse? Washing your hands?  Binge-watching your favorite show? Practicing a new ritual? Journaling? Masturbating?

Take care of you.

P.S. There's so much pressure to be boo’d up during ‘Rona that it can feel overwhelming but what a time to be alone -- enjoy sis. Nothing good comes from texting back your toxic a*s ex -- leave ‘em on read.



As humans, we thrive on connection and closeness. This may be a good time to rekindle your connection with your partner(s) in a way that makes sense for your relationship or have a much-needed conversation. 

Decide on the activities you want to do together. Is it making a meal? Watching a show? Walking the dog?  Also, think about what activities you want to do apart. Is it watering the plants? Going for a walk?

 P.S. It's also a good time to make plans around how you will share chores around the house to make sure there is a fair distribution of labor.



Being around family during a difficult time can either put you at ease or can stress you TF out. Come to think of it, ‘Rona is like that annoying cousin that doesn’t know when it’s time to pack it up and leave. Wherever you fall on this spectrum, know that your feelings are valid. 

Don’t feel obligated to be around family that don’t make you feel safe. Spend some quality time with your children and explore new ways of bonding. 

P.S. Check on your elders and see what they may need.



‘Rona is really out here cancelling all turn ups and get-togethers. Hate to see it. Though you may not be able to spend time with your friends and be in close proximity, that doesn’t mean you can’t spend time with them. After all, we’ve got to survive this with our homies. 

Make a group-chat and keep in touch with your homegirls. Send memes so we can laugh to keep from crying. Replace face-to-face with FaceTime. 

P.S. This is a great time to send that overly emotional text to tell your crew how thankful you are for them.



The ‘Rona is changing a lot in our working world. Some of us are moving from our offices to our kitchen tables to work, some of us have had freelance gigs fall through and some of us don’t know where our next paycheck is coming from. These are all new and scary realities around our relationship to work in a #capitalist society. 

There's an opportunity for us to develop new routines. Even though our work situations may change the relationships we may have forged at work don’t need to -- text your work wife and work bestie back. 

P.S. Rest is productive -- just because you aren’t working does not mean you are not being productive.

We’re all in this together. Let’s stay connected and support one another.


Until next time,

It's OTW


For Everybody and Their Mama: Sex Ed For All Month 


'Rona and Sex: Your guide to getting it on during COVID-19