Black Women Deserve Great Sex

Black women have always been at the forefront of political movements and change. We have always been the nurturers and caretakers in our families and communities.

For this, we deserve a lot.


And by a lot, we mean joy, relief, safety, healthy relationships, financial abundance and of course, great sex!

We created the campaign and workshop Black Women Deserve Great Sex ™️ to name and demand that Black women are deserving of sexual experiences that lead to self-discovery, joy, and of course, pleasure. In our work as sexual wellness educators, we’ve found that many of us do not prioritize our sexual needs during sex and are afraid of naming and asking for what we want from our sexual partners. To be honest, many of us are afraid of being “too sexual” because of the sex negative messages we were bombarded with as kids. To put it plainly: these messages have no place in our damn bedrooms (or wherever you get down!) because they are limiting and can lead to basic a** sex. 


Black Women Deserve Great Sex™️ means that we get to consent to how our bodies are experienced during sex and how they are ultimately taken care of. Black women deserve to be honored, respected, and deeply loved regardless of how we express our sexuality.

In the words of Alex Elle:

“black women were created of

brown sugar and warm honey.

the sweetest thing to bless the earth.

be wary of anyone who tells you otherwise.”

Now that we’ve got you on board with the campaign, here’s some homework: 

For Black women:

  • Create some fantasy fiction: Spend 10 minutes free-writing about the type of sex you want to have. You can be as descriptive as you’d like. How do you want to feel before, during and after?  Remember this is a fantasy, nothing is off limits. 

  • Get your sexual wellness regimen together! Download your guide here

For those who make love to Black women: 

  • Don’t assume that you know what we want. If you are in a relationship with a Black woman— ask them want they want from sex, what is off-limits and the role you should play. 

  • Show up for Black women outside of the bedroom. Sex is way more than what occurs between the sheets and before an orgasm. Black women deserve to be loved by people who have a stated interest in our overall well being. Less “U UP?” texts, more “What do you need?” texts!

Get your Black Women Deserve Great™️ Sex Swag now!


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Sexual Wellness: Imagining a New Possibility for Our Healing